Hiring – Senior Consultant
After a buzzing first couple of weeks, we’re pleased to say that there is high demands for offensive services and projects within cyber consulting. There as been high tempo and great momentum throughout partnerships and prospects in EMEA.
This requires us to look at hiring more technicians to join the team. We are searching for one or two sharp profiles, whom have a great deal of experience already from the cyber security industry.
If the following points ring true to you, you should consider applying at the position:
- A ‘can do’ attitude. Don’t tell us you can’t because, tell us you can if.
- Hard working and ready to deal with engagements all across EMEA.
- Extremely talented in many different fields within Cyber Security, not just offensive services.
- Expert at web applications. This is a minimum as a lot of the attack surface covered is web applications.
- A team player, not afraid to voice their opinion or to receive well intended feedback on operations.
- Strict ethical and moral bounderies and integrity.
- The ability to work within processes and ensure high quality deliveries for clients.
What are the benefits working with River Security?
- We’re a start-up. If you are the right match, we can negotiate in having stakes in the company.
- Highly dynamic and versatile team, with a focus on training and building competency, both for ourselves, our clients and the community.
- A signing bonus to facility home-office, presenting equipment and safe enviroment to work on confidential cases.
- Competative salary based on the company success in the build-up period. Once build-up is done, a competative and fair salary will be offered and discussed during interview processes.
- The chance of optional international travel on interesting engagements, at least when Covid-19 is finished.
- Exciting engagements with the possibility to follow up on weaknesses and see permanent improvements with targets.
- You will be working in a strong team-based environment, communicating and collaboarting with like-minded and ambitious individuals.
To make this even more interesting, we’ve put together a little hacking challenge which will reveal what you need to apply to this position. Can you solve it? If so’ you will have deserved your place, and we will invite you to a phone call and potentially an interview.
Good luck!